I love autumn...even more now that I live across the street from Minnehaha Falls Park. Recently my family and I have been enjoying the splendor of the colors as our hemisphere turns away from the sun and strips the leaves of their chlorophyll. My son and husband enjoyed themselves running through the leaves that had already fallen from the trees, making loud crunching sounds and scaring the wildlife away. All the splendor of half the rainbow; every hue of red, orange, and yellow, combine to light the landscape on fire.
My creative juices are flowing. I've designed more in the last couple of weeks then I have all year, I think. Here are some results of my autumnal muse at work:
Here is a digital file. I made the background in photoshop and them imported it into Creative Memories StoryBook Creator and added page elements from their files, blending them with the background.

This piece was made by folding paper and cutting the design out very carefully with an exacto knife. The perfect symbol of autumn; pumpkins!